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2022 ECA Junior and U23 Canoe Slalom European Championships | 09 Aug 2022, 07:00 – 14 Aug 2022, 19:00 Boating area České Budějovice, České Vrbné 1995, České Budějovice 2, 370 11 České Budějovice, Česko


  • Free Training

  • Official Training

  • Extreme Canoe Slalom - official training

  • Opening Ceremony


  • Official Training

  • Heats events - Course construction

  • First ITOs meeting

  • Heat events - Course Tuning with demonstration runners

  • Heats events - full length demo run & rehearsal #1

  • Heats events - Course approval

  • Heats events - full length demo run & reheasal #2

  • Athlete observation

  • Heats - group 1

  • Team events - group 1

  • Medals ceremonies

  • Heats - group 2

  • Team events - group 2

  • Medals Ceremonies

  • Finals Events Course preparation

  • Semi final & final - group 1

  • Medals ceremonies - group 1

  • Extreme Canoe Slalom - Time Trials

  • Semi final - final

  • Semifinal & final - group 1

  • Medals ceremonies - group 1

  • Extreme slalom

  • Medals ceremonies & closing ceremony

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

©2022 SK Vodní slalom České Budějovice

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